Monday, March 21, 2022

A Perfect Day for a Drive

 A day as beautiful as this, while we are "isolated" at home, begs for driving practice! The girls have goals for when they'd like to have their licenses. We live in a great area for lots of on-road, low-traffic practice.   There may have been a few comments about "controlled turns".....

Stacia's sense of direction resulted in lots of backing up practice!  That little dead-end sign should be noted. LOL 

It is fun to take the girls out. I enjoyed seeing the neighborhood I used to walk in....the snow and ice have vanished enough for longer walks.... I plan to get right on it this week. 

As soon as I can talk them into busier areas, maybe a bit of freeway driving, I won't have to drive again until they are off driving their own car.  We may be able to dig the vibe out by the end of the week. 

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