Saturday, July 23, 2022

Meanwhile....back at home!

 My plans to catch up the blog aren't panning out...but we did have a relaxing day. Nolan worked on college. Grandpa slept in, then spent the day with his newspaper and car magazines. I DID try to nap when he did.  I finished a book Spiritual Whitespace and spent some time contemplating its message and which parts I may want to apply as well as which parts I may not wholeheartedly agree with at this point. 

There was a little tea and scone cafe in Misawa - Cafe Live Forever - which made WONDERFUL, small, round, and tall scones. I loved going in and getting a scone set...scones and a pot of tea. I made some scones today...they did NOT get incredibly tall...but they are closer to the right size... LOL 

Yes, I am having a day of deeply missing Japan. 

Via google 

Millie has been WILD all day. I know she misses Stacia, and Allie is her second choice...she puts up with the rest of us. We've taken her outside to run fast and wild several times today. I ran her until she was calm enough to put a leash on and go for a quick walk. 

This is Millie stalking the neighbor's cat which loves to hang out in our yard...may have something to do with chickens. 

Grandpa fell down this evening but insists he is fine. I was grateful Nolan was home to help get him up. 


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