Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Bachan's Fort!

 "Bachan, come see!" 

"We made a Bachan fort!" 

They sure did. They found Arielle's blanket and made a little fort of the bunk bed just for me! It was in their room as the Wreck Room was to be the most amazing boy fort. I guess they felt bad about not allowing me in last week. I was still separate but I had a special spot all my own. 

Except the two-years-olds weren't about to leave me in the fort alone. They insisted on climbing in and cuddling and this frustrated Benny's plans of a male and female forts....and so he came up with a new plan. We moved all the chairs back to the dining room and he made a massive fort...a separate WING for each of us. 

This worked well. We all climbed in, and I read a schoolbook to Benny. It was about mummies and mysteries, but I never caught the full name. I know it's an A - Z mystery. 

Yes, Benny is in a Mario Brother phase...I love his creativity. I had hoped to get a lot of schooling done for Arielle, but today we built huge forts and finished a reader that was supposed to last all this week and next. I love it when books are that exciting. We loved Sonlight read alouds. Except after lunch when I would be sleepy and the stories often took odd turns...

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