Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Prayer Requests & Thankful Thoughts


1. It's been a hard night after yesterday's arraignment. Everything went fine. Seeing the defendant moving on while Josiah can't ...somehow reawakened, or freshened, grief.
2. Pray we find the rhythym of LIVING WITH GRIEF because it seems to be an unwelcome companion on our journey. We are taking steps towards routine...college classes, chores, cooking meals...
3. ALWAYS such a sense of loss and emptiness...something vital is missing.
Tonight, I'm thankful for:

1. Time with Benny & Danny while Charles and Arielle saw doctors.
2. My purse was returned to FM customer service after I left it in a shopping cart in the parking lot.
3. Cards and letters from high school roommates, fellow military chaplains and pastors, and from a gal who was in our Jr high youth group 29 years ago.
4. Fire in the Woodstove on a day when I can't stop shivering.

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