Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Arielle and Nolan wanted to share a picture with you of our Kitchen Garden. The directions said it would take 10 – 14 days for the seeds to germinate. We planted these last Friday and are already seeing lots of sprouts 2 pots, some in 2 more and none yet in one of them. We’ve been watering, watering, watering. Can’t wait for fresh herbs! {G}


Jodi said...

That is a very cool kitchen garden! I think we will try this when the weather improves.

Oh and I haven't commented in awhile but very, very big congratulations to Zander on his potty training success so far!!!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

We got it for about $10 at Wal-mart. They had a strawberry pot and a couple of different herb pots out in the garden section.