Monday, March 06, 2006


Every Sunday begins with Religious Education (Sunday School in the Civilian World). Mike and I are team-teaching a class on the book of Philippians. This is a first for us and we have yet to really hit a “stride” in the endeavor but we are having fun.

Zander DID have a melt-down when he saw the snack food in his RE room. He arrived before the others….he thought he should have the whole box. Poor Jill. She handled him great. We are realizing that it is NOT the sugar that Zander has to avoid…it’s the preservatives and the artificial flavorings and colors. We’ve been trying to figure out how to handle Sundays. It doesn’t seem fair to say that he can’t have any and must watch while everyone else eats. It’s not realistic to expect a whole RE department to change their treats because of one 4 yo. BUT we are realizing since we made the ice cream that we can find solutions, I think I will MAKE some chocolate chip cookies or such for his class and for the “doughnut” hour. Then he will have a treat without all the stuff he isn’t supposed to have.

After Chapel we delivered 8 giant red peppers to Becky and her family (from the produce co-op). I had ended up with 14 and she had 2. I had no clue what to do with all the peppers. I’ve had one in a salad. Becky gave me recipes to roast them and to make a salad dressing with them. I’m open to other ideas.

Our family nights on Fridays aren’t going to work with Josiah’s work schedule. We think we’ll make Sunday the Family Day…still praying and thinking how to make it work. We don’t want to give up a set aside time for family fun….but Sundays are usually very full with chapel events and fellowship.

The kids asked for bowling and so off we went. UGH. The music was LOUD on base this time. It was crowded and noisy but the kids enjoyed it. (See pictures below). We headed for the park for an hour after having our fill of bowling (See story below). We ended the night with “Milk and Honey” (story below) and 2 episodes of Hogan’s Heroes.

Stacia began fussing…screaming for an hour before going to bed – but no fever or anything. Can’t figure out what this is….


Jodi said...

Lloks like a fun past few days at your house, except for Stacia's troubles. Hope it goes well at the appt. Zander and the RE treats, it would not hurt to bring it up. It wouldn't be all that hard for the teacher to bring a different type of goodies. It could only benefit all the kids if the treat was more healthy. Not that they should have to change, we certainly went through this with Colin when we went to church. Finally the teacher made the connection by herself, with 4 boys and her own little dd in the class she had to figure out why the boys were bouncing off the walls by the end of class. Even kids who do not have specific problems with preservatives and dyes could benefit from having a better alternative. Bringing his wn snacks would be a good way to bring it up. You could explain to the teacher that Zander couldn't have certain things, then maybe the teacher would ask what he CAN have and would be willing to change.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh, our RE director is wonderful. She knows what we are trying to do - we're working to figure out how to handle it. The teacher's need something easy. They do eat it at the end of the class so that helps with the bouncing children....LOL

I think I'm going to suggest that I bake treats for that class. I'm deciding....because if I baked them then it wouldn't be extra work for the teacher or for Jill....and I don't think any child would mind getting a homemade cookie over a bought they wouldn't even know that Zander was an issue...but maybe he'll begin to behave better for them too. I know that we are seeing a world of difference at home. He is still a handful - but he is manageable where we were having days that he was totally out of control. I feel like now he CAN choose to be good. In other words we are trying to make it as easy as possible for him to be good....he is still responsible for his bad choices and behavior and we don't want him blaming it on food...but we're getting there...I think.

Anonymous said...

Your Sunday sounds busy! You are doing so good with Zander's diet. I am impressed that you have the energy to take it on. Oh, I guess it is less energy than his melt-downs. I think baking treats is a good idea. Bake a month's worth of cookies and stick them in the freezer :)

For the extra peppers, my idea would be stuffed peppers. Red ones are my favorite to stuff, but way to expensive here in NE Ohio right now. I have a yummy recipe for Italian style stuffed peppers if you are interested. I'm jealous of your produce co-op :)

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yes...Kelly...send your recipe for stuffed peppers. Not sure anyone would eat it but they eat some healthy whole wheat pasta concotion tonight. LOL

Yes, the diet is easier to deal with than the impulsive melt-downs.
