Saturday, June 10, 2006

Scooter Bites and Spiders

I sat down to update the bike ticker – yippee! I met this week’s goal. I got up bright and early and rode to the library to turn in the last books of our school year. I had quite a few thoughts to share – quite possibly profound thoughts – but I got side-tracked.

Zander is playing *Spy Kids* next to me and covered with red welts. I asked him,” What happened to you?” He replied, “Scooter bites”. A bit more questioning and observation led to the deduction that they are mosquito bites. It seems we have a bad case of scooters in our house. They fly around his bed at night when he is sleeping and DRINK HIS BLOOD!!!!!

He just now got stuck on his game and was calling for Arielle. Evidently, she isn’t responding fast enough. She’s in the bathroom. He is at the door and yelled in a sing-song voice, “Ari- Elle….there’s a spider in there.” He’s shamelessly playing on the poor girls fear. It reminds me of being chased with geckos in the Philippines. Boys.

While out riding this a.m. I was met with a scandalous site. A huge man…..gray and balding…over 6 feet tall…lots of extra baggage if you get my drift…in SPEEDO bikinis watering his yard…goodness. I couldn’t even manage a Texas wave.

I’ve been contemplating bike seats. When I bought my very cool retro Schwinn (inspired by my AK friend Carleen) I was told, by both Carleen the bike salesman, that the extra wide seat was made for comfort. Side note – my very cool retro Schwinn looks like the bike thelittle lady in Wizard of Oz with the pup in her basket rides….. on with the musings….

I suppose if you are the type of person that thinks visiting the dentist is fun, you could quite possibly think that this seat is comfortable. I’m not that type of person. I’ve been toying with the idea of buying one of those “really comfortable” gel seats for my bike. The trouble is until you TRY them out you really can’t tell how they will feel to your tush. KWIM? Fingering them in the store just won’t cut it. I can’t figure out how to try this out without SITTING on one and I really haven’t worked up the nerve to put a gel seat between my legs and waddle around Academy or plop it on the ground and sit on it. I’d thought it might make a nice reward for reaching 250 miles. I don’t think I’ve developed the calluses on said body parts that I was told would develop if I faithfully rode the bike.

Well, well – I’m sure I had profound thoughts to share but they all seemed to have escaped. I’ll quit right here.


Jodi said...

So awful when those profound thoughts from earlier in the day refuse to come back to us when we finally get a chance to blog!

Hope Zander's scooter bites get better soon.

Love your new "girls" ticker, you will have such a wonderful homecoming in less than 2 months!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

These "Sr" moments are happening more and more often, there some wonder cure for me?

berrypatch said...

De'Etta - get the gel seat - trust me. :-) I just "upgraded" the one I have & love it. I did a 30 mile ride on it & didn't feel all that much discomfort. Don't get the gel slip on cover - get the whole seat. It's worth it. Also - I'm not sure how far you ride each time, but do you know about bike shorts??? They have extra padding in all the right spots - if you catch my meaning. You may feel like you are wearing a diaper, but it is SO worth it!!!! :-) HTH!

Lisa in ME