Monday, October 09, 2006

Can you tell what is going on here???? Who would have thought? I'm TRYING to child proof the house. We heard screaming and there she was....she'd climbed inside the lazy susan under our computer was tough going there for a bit to get her out...


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, but I am laughing so hard even as my heart is hurting for her. I have a son who would have done this if we had had a lazy susan when he was little. Some kids are just soooooo curious. How did you get her out?

Lisa in Jax said...

They sure can get themselves into the tightest squeezes can't they?LOL

I'm glad she's o.k.


Debbie said...

LOL, I'm sorry, but it is sort of funny. The thing a find particularly humorous is that someone took the forethought to snap a picture first! Have to capture those life moments!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

It is pretty funny.

I had him take several pictures while I thought about the best way to get her out. I thought we mihgt have to take the counter top off to get to her...but I managed to get her out.

Anonymous said...

Stacia: You sure do remind me of your Mom! :) Glad you are curious but just be careful where you go.

Jodi said...

Oh NO! The places a toddler can get! Glad you got her out without a major kitchen renovation!