Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Off and Running....

Things are, well, off and running! {g}

I woke up BEFORE Zander and Stacia. I had time in the Word and also walked a couple of miles. It's actually nippy outside this a.m. I came back and grabbed a light jacket. It is supposed to get to 88* today...but this MORNING it reminds me of fall.

I finally faced the fact that the vacation/deployment weight is NOT going to magically drop off so I made a new ticker to reflect that I gained 10 lbs - well I've lost 2 of it this week - so 8 lbs.

I made my goal of being in bed by 11:00 p.m. last night. I did read a bit...but once I fell asleep Stacia only woke me up once!!!! Yippee! Sometime during the night Zander climbed in bed with me.

It's been 7 weeks now...only however many more. Maybe I should go ahead and figure that up. Maybe a new ticker is in order.

I'm going to go WAKE UP Zander and Stacia.....the others are up and about and doing table school. I think we'll tackle one of the models today, alas no photos until I get my computer fixed. I may have to call Computer Geeks and be done with it. One of my children thinks that would be really lame - after all "WE" can handle anything...yeah if DAD is here to fix it. :::snort:::


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you're getting back on track. I know it's so hard when hubby is away, I've been there:) I've gained 10 lbs to in the last month. I was telling my mom yesterday that my Dr. is going to "kill me". She only wanted me to gain 15 lbs total this pg....yikes! I'm going to have some major work to do after I have this baby. Keep up the good work!

Jen in Az.

Jodi said...

Deployment weight, well if that isn't the most unfair thing I've ever heard. If anything you should have some "eat chocolate without weight gain" tickets for each week a spouse is deployed!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jodi. I say you get a get out of diet free card or two. :)

Cynthia said...

I don't have any excuses like deployment or pregnancy. I do know that I pretty consistently lose 2-3 pounds a month (NOT A WEEK) when I do my 8 minute morning! Now, if I could just combine that success with drinking more water and watching more closely what I eat I might make some quicker progress. Maybe I need to upload a ticker.. the realization that the whole world (LOL) is watching might be more incentive to me.

Debbie said...

I'm so glad you are getting back to "normal", whatever that is for a family where dad is deployed!
I had a weight ticker up there, but it was going no where, so I took it off! :-p

I think my computer is having sympathy pains for your computer...it has been acting up big time. I loaded a spyware program today and it found 300+! I haven't had much success loading the virus scan yet!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh no Debbie -your computer too? And Lisa's? And Chris' did the same thing as Lisa's...she has Bell South - so I'm guessing that is THEIR problem. LOL

OK Jodi - tell where to purchase those "eat chocolate without weight gain" cards and I'm there. :::snort:::

Yikes - 15 lbs in an entire pregnancy...once I did that...gained 6 lbs and had a 8lb+ baby....but usually I gain 50 - 60 lbs. LOL

Lisa in Jax said...

I love those kinds of days where I actually am up and running before the kids. Of course, I can't remember the last time that happened...lol but those were the days...lolol

It looks like this is going to be a low weight gain pregnancy for me this time. I've only gained 3 pounds so far and I'm halfway there. I've had a horrible time eating though. IF I could eat, I'd gain 50 pounds like with Isaac but with this baby, it's been hit or miss on the eating.lol That's why I think this is a girl. I'll find out Nov 1st, if I'm correct though.

My computer's better today, so I'm guessing Chris' should be better too. Must have been all of Bellsouth, that went down. Yuck! I hope it doesn't happen again.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Lisa, are you going to let us know if it's a girl on Nov 1st? Or do you keep that info to yourself? Isn't it funny how each pregnancy is different?

I think Jen knows she is having a boy? Right? Maybe that's a dream - guess it was, it's Cecille whose having a boy. {G}

Ya'all remember there is a verse in the Bible that says that God gently carries those with young....be gentle to yourself....yes...try to get things organized...but remember that your body is working ALL the time just now and you may not be able to do things quite as efficiently as when you weren't pregnant. Accept help - where God provides it.

I can't wait to meet the babies.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I feel better about my weight now:) With my first 3 I gained around 25-35lbs, with my last one I only gained 18-20lbs but this time around I'm thinking I'll be back up in the 30lb range. Trying not to let it get to me, I can always lose it later. Now, how do I explain myself to my Dr....

I'm having a "boy" according to that silly Draino test, but I'm not putting too much faith in that. Really, I'm in denial as I was really hoping for a girl this time (g). We'll see come December...

Jen in Az.

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to add, I agree with the "get out of diet free" cards for deployed spouses:) Go easy on youself....

Jen in Az.

Lisa in Jax said...

Yep! As soon as I know, you'll know. I'm pretty excited! I can truthfully say that this baby has been a real blessing. I'll start talking names as soon as I know what kind of name I need.lol

And you're right about already working over time. My body hasn't been letting me over do it. When I'm tired, I'm TIRED!!!LOL I was working today and my body just said, go lie down. So I did.LOL Thank you for the reminder, I need to keep that in the fore front. Rest is just as important as organizing.lol

