Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tuesday Completed

Our school day began when I decided to take Arielle, Nolan and Stacia and head for the library. We had a few books we needed for our new emphasis in school. With that task completed, we headed for the grocery store. We FOUND SPINACH!!!! and a few other produce items we were out of. An elderly lady stopped as as we went into the store. This often happens when I'm out and about. Her comment however was a first..."that's a LOVELY van you have". :::snort:::

Who would guess that there are great books that make GRAMMAR fun? I picked up a couple books in this series by Brian P. Cleary. This one is titled *A Mink, a Fink, a Staking Rink, What is a Noun? We had fun with it.

We worked on a model car. It doesn't look much like a model T but it was the closest we can find and it has an "electric motor" that is supposed to make this a working model. We got about 1/2 way done. I wanted to press on but time was getting away from us and we were starting to get frustrated. WHY can't these companies include CLEAR directions? I didn't even know what "hook and lock" was....

We continued tracing the history of aviation by reading "The Big Balloon Race". What a hoot. I'd forgotten the little girl in the story is Ariel. The kids got a kick out of that.

We hit the Wright Brothers today. I summarized main points from this book and the children enjoyed looking at the photos. Both of these books were ones I had in our home library. I so enjoy having many books that are easily used in our curriculum right at my finger tips.

Josiah loves to run to the main library for me (library trip 2). He took off with high hopes of finding the rest of the books we'll need to finish unit 1. He came back tired and disappointed.

Arielle got a call to go to Ashely's today (a friend). I drove her over and then headed quickly to the West branch library again (library trip 3). When looking books up for Josiah, I had noted that the west branch had the new Goldy Catering Mystery, the New Alpine book and the new Joanne Fluke mystery. I hate it when I'm all caught up in series and have to WAIT for the new one to be released. I was excited to see so many new ones available. Alas, they were NOT there when I arrived. The librarian ordered two of them in for me and put the other one on hold. LOL I did get a new Death on Demand book and the new Bed and Breakfast book from Mary Daheim. SO...that is what I'm going to do right now before finding a new series....read the new releases from the old series.

We had "Baked Zits" for dinner. This is a recipe that Lisa (who was Lisa in Miami at the time) posted over 2 years ago. It's a great standby. We decided tonight to relabel it "Scrambled Lasagna". Nolan LOVES Lasagna...do you see where I'm going? With a new name he and Arielle both tried it and even asked for seconds...which means they ate about two spoonfuls. LOL

I whipped up an Ooey something or other that comes in a box from Sam's Club. Somehow in the great purging of 2006 it was missed. I decided to keep it for when I need something quick to take somewhere. That was Bible Study tonight. There were two in there so I'm set for one more occasion.

Bible study was good. We covered I John 2 this week. We had some great discussion over what "lust of the flesh", "lust of the eyes" and "the boastful pride of life" may and may not be. There were only three of us this week but the fellowship was sweet. I really enjoy the fact that this group is about 3 70 yo's and 3 30/40 yo's. It isn't often that the older women really are with the younger women....tonight Joyce told me that I need to "relax, don't be so hard on yourself". Hmmm...that "reeeelax" thing is a recurring thread that I'm hearing...I'll have to make this a matter for prayer. I know this IS a serious matter but I got quite a chuckle out of Emma calling before the study to let me know that her cows were out and she wouldn't be able to make it. Emma is another of our dear Seniors. I can't imagine her chasing cows...but she assures me that she owns land and cows. Her call brought back the days that Mike and I "house sat" for a bird farm....and my geese got loose...vicious, cruel creatures. I'm still scarred by the memory. :::snort:::

Let see...I also got some laundry done, got a load of diapers run, chased Stacia around the house. She found my cell phone today. Cy called the phone and her response was HILARIOUS. I took photos but can't upload them to the computer until I get the computer fixed...someday. THEN she found the peri bottle somewhere and was DRINKING from it. It hadn't been used since she was born...but STILL.

We finished off the night with a few more chapters of Pinocchio.


Cynthia said...

Have you seen the Ruth Heller books? Each book is a different part of speech and they are really cool, too. They have wonderful color illustrations.

Sometime you'll have to make a different post of the series books you recommend. I'm just about done with the Fluke ones.... I'm trying so hard to get in more reading time!

Good job on the model.

Lisa in Jax said...

O.k. I did not name my dish "Baked Zits!" No wonder your kids wouldn't eat it.lololol I would rename it also, if I were them.

Sounds like you have a great study bunch!

The model sounds like fun. Jon loves to do models. The kids made paper models of the Wright Brothers first plane a few months ago. They looked good!

I could just imagine you finding Stacia with the Peri bottle.lolol And her with the cell phone...my Isaac loves the phone too. He'll walk around a store acting just like all the big people, yelling into his phone (cause of bad reception) and saying, "Lo? Bye!" They are SOO cute at this age.


Lisa in Jax said...

I forgot to congratulate you on the spinach find! I also was able to buy some this past weekend and we had it on Monday as Minestra Soup! YUM!


Debbie said...

Looks like you are reading some great books for school!

It is always sad when you come to the end of a series. I remember when I read the last Brother Cadfael books, it was like losing a friend. The author had died, so I knew there would be no more! :-(


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Lisa - OH MY - I better correct that title! LOL

Debbie - is Brother Cadfael good? Can you give me an idea what it is about - is it one worth looking up? I've seen a few of them here and there.

Cynthia - No I've not seen the Ruth Heller books. I'll have to check our library.

Anonymous said...

We went to the library 3 times today, too. I found the lovely "request" button on the library site! I love requesting the book, getting an email notification, and picking it up LOL. I requested a lot and had to go to one library twice and another once.

I was all excited that a new diane mott davidson book was out. Nope, I read it already LOL. I did get 4 more in the Harmony series. They are very light and quick reads, so I'll get them back soon. I did pick up the Joanne Fluke book :)

FINALLY Grapes of Wrath was in. I was on hold at 2 libraries. The next 2 books I'd like for history are out. I think somebody else around here must be studying WWII also.

We are going to watch The Longest Day and a Teaching Company dvd on Hitler. I am contemplating Schindler's List. It really would make an impact. After we read Grapes of Wrath, we'll watch the movie.

I loved reading your thoughts on building up our house and your bike ride with Nolan?? I can't keep your boys' names straight lol. Well, I remember Zander :) He reminds me so much of Isaac when he was that age.


Jodi said...

LOL, I was going to suggest Ruth Heller too. I got them all from book close outs for about $2.00 each a couple years ago. I like the Brian Cleary ones too but only have three or four of the set so far. I've got the rest on my PBS list. We only have a tiny library with hardly anything good at all and I'm learning this year that inter library loan can take foooorever, So I try and check bookcloseouts every few months for good deals. It must be really nice to have more than one library to choose from. Hmm maybe I should start a list of why to move to TX.

Oh and nothing wrong with re-naming a recipe to make it more apealing to young ones! I've done that before myself!!

Cynthia said...

Ruth Heller spoke at a Young Author's conference that I took our girls to several years ago. She is such a neat lady. She does all of those illustrations herself and it takes a LONG time to do each one. Most of our books by her are autographed. She has severla very cute ones on camoflage as well.