Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The children's fevers have gone. They are still hoarse and coughing but ready for some play. I agreed to let them go outside....I was impressed when they asked if they could use the rakes and rake the yard. Wow. Such productive children. I told them to let me know when they had a pile and I'd take a photo. They did.

Jared will take the story from here.....

Forces on all sides milled about, preparing for the fight.

As the fight lengthened the brutality of it increased to an alarming height. They found themselves ducking low as leaves and all manner of yard objects flew overhead. The fight was fierce but short-lived. No casualties were reported....well....when Zander found the water gun casualties began to mount.


Anonymous said...

Ok here I go again trying to get a posted note on this location.

Kids how we would love you all here to help with the tons and tons of leaves. Michail and I worked a couple of hours on Sunday in the rain. Got a lot done but so cold. There will be leaf pickup the 4th. Leaves in bags and leaves placed 1.5 feet out from the curb will be picked up by county trucks. SO more work to do.

Just think how much we could get done with you kids here also>

love/prayers for all of you

Romany said...

Ha Ha Ha!

Great story!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they're feeling better. What a funny story:) Gave me a good giggle this morning.

Jen in Az.

Jodi said...

Fresh air is good after being cooped up sick. Looks like a fun time was had. Glad to hear no casualties reported. Probably would have been a different story if they were armed with leafblowers rather than rakes!

Anonymous said...