Sunday, November 05, 2006

Glimpses from the Day...

Saddest picture of the day - everyone was going to the park and she
KNEW she was left....they grow up so fast! (Check out the Robeez shoes - thanks Lisa and Charly for the recommendation)

Mr. Incredibles run in my family (Yikes - he's STANDING on the couch! A no-no...guess they've learned to be cute and I'll grab the camera...::snort::Isn't it great when they are still young enough to take pictures like this? This stage doesn't last long....


Lisa in Jax said...

Your Mr. Incredibles are adorable!lol Congrats on the shoes! I notice that she's actually wearing them so they must have been a success. I'm glad they worked!


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! Love you Mr. Incredible suits. Wish you were here to stand guard on my house at night because our renter is gone for a few days. :)

love you both

Anonymous said...

You guys look great!
