Further Sunday Events:
Arielle got to spend a few hours with Ashley. That always makes her day.
I got to see how Lee and Tricia (Ashley's parents) have child-proofed their bookshelves. They've put bungee cords around the lower shelves so the books can't be pulled out. I came right home, tried it, and nearly took a finger off when the cord snapped. I need to find out some more info on this trick. ::ouch::
Jamin took the boys over to the local school to play. They played street hockey in the spot set up for basketball and really had a good time. After I picked Arielle up the girls and I joined them.
I realized that Nolan has grown over an inch since Mike left. The other boys all needed jeans. We made a one hour trip to the store and found 9 pairs of jeans.
I need to find a booster seat for Stacia to use at the table. She HATES the high chair and wants to be at the table...I really would like the space in the kitchen that the chair takes. I'll keep looking.
I bought some things for a Christmas package for Mike but can't talk about that here - yet. LOL
Talked with Mom on the phone. Dad had a good day out at church today. He's bored at the rehab....but doing well.
I printed off some more Thanksgiving worksheets and such. I talked over Josiah's transcript and Yearly Summary with him. I need to check and make sure that Cyberlynx didn't already give him credit for the course I put on there this year. I mean it was new work - but I need to make sure I didn't give it the same title. Then I can mail off the portfolios with 2 months to spare????
The children and I discussed some more of what we want to do for Thanksgiving....basically we want the holiday to be over and Mike and the girls to all be back home. Barring that we are brainstorming about what we really want to do. They have a plan...I need to work out details.
I have had a portable booster from Safety 1st for 9+ years that I love. We used to take it everywhere when we lived close enough to family to drive there frequently. It can be strapped to any chair and pushed directly up to the table or set back with the tray attached. It was a perfect transition seat when my kids got too big for the high chair but not quite tall enough for the table. Once the kids outgrew it I kept it around for company. That seat has gotten some miles out of it. I'm pretty sure I bought it at Toys'R'Us and I paid less that $20 for it. Good luck looking.
Kristine In SA
Thanks for the tip, Kristine. I will check out target this week and if I can't find it I'll go to toysrus online to get one. LOL
I thought it looked looked like Nolan was getting taller.
Try putting some kind of a screw in hook for the bunge cord to latch on to. Better yet drill a hole thru the wood that the cord hook and go into cuz it would be a lot harder for the little ones to get off. OF COURSE BE SURE MIKE AGREES. :) He made such nice bookshelves that he may take a dim look at what I just said. :) :) :( :(
It is so hard when our loved ones are away for those special days!
Brian will also be away for Thanksgiving this year.
We have the same booster seat that Kristine mentioned and it has worked great. We use it for traveling more than at home, but it would great.
I'm nearly sure that we also had the same booster seat mentioned. It lasted through 4 kids (and 2 trips to England, it was truly portable!) and has been passed on to another family now!!
Maybe a quiet Thanksgiving would be good this year, a nice restful long weekend.
No ideas for the bunjee cord, I always get whacked in the head with them no matter what i use them for!
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