Monday, November 20, 2006


Here are the children at the start of our lapbooking day..... Jared said that he didn't want to be in the photo - seems a "little kid" project....but I told him that really OLD high school kids do these too. LOL

THIS is the picture I was going to take to show all that I accomplished today....but it doesn't do the work any justice at all....

This picture is a bit better ::snort:: There's a whole lot of little books here....


Cynthia said...

This has nothing to do with lapbooks, but I found it funny that you were at 45 and we were at 54 just now (LOL)!

Anonymous said...


Could you provide a link to the lapboking stuff you are doing, please?
Or maybe you have and I couldn't find it?

It looks fun. I've never done it, mainly because I can't figure out the instructions. I need a personal tutorial from someone skilled in SN I think ! LOL!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh and I are so in the same boat. I sit there with the instructions, read it, try it, read it again, try it again and then push the instructions away and do what seems to be the right thing to do. There is one book that I can't figure out but I've got the rest figured out by trial and error. LOL

I do think it is nice to have graphics all ready to go on our first trial. This one is from It was a free thanksgiving book. You have to join the yahoo group to access the free lap books....which I did and set myself to special notice.

I am really enjoying "The Ulitmate Lap Book" - authors in side bar....great info on the tool that will allow me to fit the tool to our style and philosophy of teaching.

Jodi said...

Great job, once it's all cut out and your folders are glued together it doesn't seem quite so intimidating!