Wednesday, November 08, 2006

School Daze - Funny

We are making progress learning the books of the Bible. I simply have to share this - and have premission.....

In Nolan's Bible there is a I and II Sam (not Samuel).

In Arielle's Bible there is a book titled "At least he asked us" (ecclesiastics).

Arielle's ready to begin learning the major prophet books. Nolan is working on th history books.

I'm ready to begin the major prophets too. Hey - Mike - do you have these memorized? If not, the littles are going to smoke you when you get home....the older boys don't seem to have entered the contest. {g}


Anonymous said...

I: Are you serious about the names of those few books? Funny! Hope the kids don't want us to ever quote the books of the bible cuz I know we have forgotten the proper order a long time ago.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yep - those are what they said when reciting the books of the Bible....

Jodi said...

Very cute, you just never know what kids hear. I've had a few funnies like that from my kids. I loved "at least he asked us"...LOLOLOL