Thursday, December 14, 2006

Parenting in Proverbs - Ch 31

31:15 "She rises also while it is still night and gives food to her household and portions to her maidens."

~Did you wonder why I was inspired to begin serving breakfast at 7 a.m.? Wonder no longer....::snort::

31:21 "She is not afraid of the snow for her household, for all her household are clothed was scarlet."

~Ok, really, fear of snow down here is not a huge concern I've had....but I do remember the not so distant past living in AK. There were preparations that we rushed to finish before the snow flew. I think we can all take this verse to heart. There are preparations for our families that we need to be taking care of.

31:26 "She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."

~Wisdom - not crabbiness, pms induced mania, or meanness....wisdom.

~KINDNESS is on her tongue....this is a big word around our home.

~Homeschooling Moms Note: Finally...a Scripturally endorsed curriculum.....teaching of kindness.....far more important than finding the perfect curriculum...if we must be curriculum junkies lets be junkies for finding new ways to teach the things that God says are's an example.

31:27 "She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness."

~This will look different for each of us and we'd be WISE to worry about our own idleness rather than to judge if other moms are wasting time. LOL But there we have it.....before we spend time on "ourselves", we'd best be looking to the ways of our household.


Lisa in Jax said...

This is exactly where I am in my walk. Every verse you wrote about has been my

I do need to work on my sarcastic voice though from the last batch you sent in. I never realized that it could be interpreted as scorn before and that was a real wake-up call to me.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Lisa....I'm guessing I was about your age when God began to speak to me about sarcasm and my temper....late 20's?

Aren't you so greatful that God is a merciful God, full of grace? He takes us in our child-like faith, loves us, showers us with grace and calls us to walk deeper and deeper with him into intimacy. I sure love Him.

Lisa in Jax said...

LOL. Try middle thirties, I'm a slooow learner. ;)

It's amazing what has been accomplished in me only by the mercy and grace of God. I used to be a very angry person but that's just not true any longer. I find myself a much more calm and enjoyable person to be I have begun work on the other vice. I grew up with sarcasm and never even realized that it could be interpreted as scorn. I'm grateful to leave this behind me as well. I want my kids to have a much better role model and hopefully a lot less baggage when they leave home.