Tuesday, December 12, 2006


The mailman came last night...late. He left a BIG box that smelled so GOOD. It was from Diann, so I KNEW it was my tea. YUMMM!!!! Davidson tea is not only good - it's all organic these days. That doesn't mean it's HEALTHY but I did buy some Rooibos and naturally caffeine free tee as well. I'm really hoping the children like the Children's tea.....all good for you stuff. The children were impressed that the mailman was working so late at night.

A knock on the door during breakfast (about 7:30) was totally unexpected! The children were really impressed - the mailman is STILL working. This time it was a HUGE box from Chris! I can't believe she did this...a whole box of books for us. She sent things for each family member. There are things my young adults will like, things I will like and great books for the younger set. I am QUITE SURE that chocolate in the front of the scene was meant for ME.....look at that sneaky hand that popped up right as I clicked. ::snort::
I turned around and caught the chocolate napper red handed as she made a getaway....ah...parenting tip of the day...bibs don't work...strip young ones at meal times! ::snort::


Jodi said...

Stacia makes me laugh in nearly every picture you post lately! She's turning into quite the character, it's so cute when they are past the baby stage and have their own personalities emerging more.

Anonymous said...

Aahh...See those teeth? She needs something to use them on and she chose chocolate...Smart girl! {G}

Cynthia said...

HOW CUTE! What fun to open all of those packages.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yeah but that's MY chocolate....:::whine:: ::whine:::

Debbie said...

Stacia is a kick...what a fun girl!
Just got to love the those great packages!

Anonymous said...

sis: At least I don't have a chocolate snatcher in this house. Just Dad and he is not here all that much yet. Stacia is such a sweetie and must be related to me also if she loves chocolate.


Diann said...

I'm glad you enjoyed getting the tea. I hope your kids like the children's tea as well. My 5yo, Tara, loves it!
