Tuesday, December 12, 2006

REVENGE OF THE APPLIANCES (did I already do Attack of the Appliances???)

I woke up this a.m. to our SPRINKLERS going off AGAIN at 4 a.m. This should NOT be happening!!!!! We've turned it off...and it keeps happening. It can't be good to have sprinklers going off when it is 30* outside. . . I got out of bed at 6 a.m. to fix breakfast and discovered the BOSCH lid is cracked (that dependable workhorse). Obviously, it's jaunt off the counter did damage that wasn't readily seen. I went to turn on one of the good computers and it no longer had sound. Two of our printers have quit working since Mike left....and the copy machine died today!!!! Mid-project!!! This copy machine is also our only PRINTER...so the children couldn't print out their dictation. The grain mill is still being obstinate (even after I followed all instructions Mike found on a website and read to me).....

I prioritized.....I NEED a copy machine or a printer...I can't school without either....one would be fine....just one. I couldn't' find the manual for the printer/copier. I went online to xerox and couldn't find the spot to download a manual. I finally called and they sent me a link. They no longer sell this model. Mike called when I was trying to save the protected file they sent me and it said all I could do was print it - which really was seriously causing my blood pressure to rise...because THAT is why I needed the MANUAL to figure out why it wouldn't print!!!! Mike was able to check it out online (while I still read the manual from my screen).....it seems that I've made over 18,000 copies on this drum and need a new one. ::snort:: NO ONE in town sells this drum. I ordered it from the website.

Mike also told us to turn the computer off and back on....and now there is sound.

I ordered a new outer ring for the Bosch from Urban Homemakers....saw lots of other things I'd like to order....

All in all - the appliances have been beaten back into submission.

Josiah tried another way to turn the sprinklers off.....I can continue to buy flour or spray Heather's kitchen with fine dust if need be.....

I must say that the children went WILD while I tried to figure out the Xerox thing....I went WILD when I got off the phone.....then I remembered...."Ok - I'm not very HAPPY with everything breaking down, the children not staying on task, the living room looking like a zoo....but I'm to CHOOSE JOY....I took a moment and I CONSIDERED it all JOY (not happy but joy) and I'm back on track again - ready I THINK to face the rest of the day, week, month, season, deployment, year......


Cynthia said...

WOWSER... what a day.... it's almost over so not much else can go wrong (LOL).

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yay and AMEN!!! ::snort::

Renee said...

I tried to post yesterday but for some reason a few blogs were not accepting my password... sigh....
about the sprinkler system.. have one of the boys read the instruction booklet about the timer... maybe set it for 9am to test it to be sure the timer is working properly

Anonymous said...

good going!
