Saturday, December 30, 2006

Scenes from the last couple of days

Arielle finally has her dancing Barbie....she raises her arm (wearing some radio control) and the doll raises her arm....Stacia and Zander had to get into the dancing too....

Notice the sly little spider getting into the fun
Dino Bingo...this is a game that the younger ones are really enjoying

Tea Tree Treatment


Anonymous said...

HI: I have never seenor heard of the Dancing Barbie but it looks way cool and super neat. My boss collects Barbies of all kinds.

That bingo game looks like a good one for the little kids ages.

Havent tried the tea treatment yet but lots of people swear by it.

Seems like Alexander and Stacia are going towards being good buddies.


Debbie said...

Love the dancing Barbie. Rachel got a Barbie for Christmas...not as cool as this one, but the ballet skirt twirls around and has flashing lights on it.

I'll have to look for the dino bingo...always looking for games that the Littles can play.

I love the picture of the tarantula heading for Barbie...would make a good horror movie.

Anonymous said...

Hannah got that same Barbie for Christmas. I'm enjoying getting caught up with you all. Hope the girls can make it out safely soon.
