Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Calorie Experiment....

It's been six weeks since I agreed to UP my calorie intake to 1200. (That so that none of you think I'm trying to restrict my calories - I'm not - though I realize for many to eat 1200 calories WOULD be restricting).

Yesterday, I WAS HUNGRY! This is a first. I mean my stomach even growled a few times when I'd forgotten to have a mini-meal in 3 hours. I'm thinking this signifies that my body is starting to wake up again. We'll see.

I've lost 13 or 14 pounds in the 6 weeks. I think I'm a believer...though I'm just as nervous now about upping calorie intake again. LOL

I'm still doing the aerobic step board video 5 times a week. I added the 8 Minutes in the Morning back in and I'm also doing ab work daily....but really the only major change I made was eating 1200 calories even when I don't feel like it. I'd done the others faithfully for months.

Last week, I was discouraged to only lose one pound...because I would have loved to make goal before Mike comes home. THEN I measured and I lost 4 1/2 inches in ONE things are working.

I'm currently reading "Curves" by the founder of the Curves Fitness Centers and what he recommends is what the dietitian and Exercise trainer have said. The only difference being that he would have had me at 1200 for 2 week and then up the calories. I'm going to talk to Debbie about this. I don't feel a NEED to up calories but I DO want to keep building my metabolism. Eating and weights seem to be the way to do that for the over 40 bunch - anyway. LOL I had NO CLUE that curves had a weight loss portion you can participate in, in addition to their circuit training. It appears to me that the weight loss portion is EDUCATION....same things I've been learning. LOL


Kathy in WA said...

I think your whole calorie experiment is fascinating! Huge congratulations on losing weight. I have a terrible time making exercise a priority. How do you fit it in?

I would be VERY hungry on only 1200 calories. I recorded mine the other day and it was much higher (and I still feel hungry between meals). Are you so excited to be this close to your goal weight??

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks Kathy.

Usually I fit it in when I get bad enough that Mike pushes me out the door to the gym or bike...

I've discovered that with my thyroid issue it is not optional to exercise. I have a sluggish metabolism and if I hope to stay anywhere near goal or lose weight I HAVE to work it's even more than that. I'm hoping that I'll feel much better as my metabolism speeds up - I may even get a temp somewhere in normal range.

I get up, cook breakfast, then go workout while the older ones start school and the youngers clean up and then get started. It isn't ideal - but it's working.

If I were leading a Precept study right now I'd be in big trouble...but I don't need an hour a day in study. Well - SHOOT - I NEED IT PERSONALLY...but I'm not getting it in the a.m.'s any longer. I get some study time in...make breakfast and then fit more study time in at night.

I think that WHAT I eat must have something to do with being filled. I eat a LOT of produce and that fills me up. I think you do too - but I've been thinking about this because I'm really not hungry, I'm usually comfortably full now (and was miserably full 6 weeks ago - so maybe in a few months I'll be ravenous)....but if I AM hungry I was told that I could have most the veggies as "free calories" and that IS mostly what I I'm eating a lot of volume now.

It's really amazing to me how God orchestrated all this so that I had made the right nutrition changes over a year I don't feel deprived at all...but others who are being told to stay at about 1400 - 1600 feel terribly deprived having to eat produce all the time. I feel blessed that I can eat all the great things I love. LOL Remember, I was eating VERY little food after 9 years of "waiting for the growl". It's scarey now to think of what I was subsisting on - and I know I ate up a lot of muscle doing now I am building it all steps....LOL That's the long answer. ::snort::

Kathy in WA said...

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate how you are so responsive with your comments on the blog.

We have made a lot of changes in our eating the past year or two but most of the changes have been in MY eating. My dh (as wonderful as he is) is not really totally on board with an aggressively healthy eating lifestyle (has a major sweet tooth). It is something I am committing to real prayer these days. God is good - I know I can trust Him to work in my husband's heart/attitude on this subject.

I have regular exercise down as one of my weekly goals but I am very unfaithful with it. I seem to be able to be disciplined in my eating (it is almost two years since I have been off sugar, wheat and flour) but don't carry the discipline over to my exercising. Always room for God to keep working in my life. Ha!

It is interesting to think how little you were eating previous to this. What made you decide to go and see a nutritionalist?

It's awesome the way God orchestrated all the healthy food choices and changes in your family. He is so good to us!!