Friday, February 23, 2007

Thoughts of the Day

Speech went well. Produce c0-op went well. I didn't make it to my class on base...but that's o.k. They were going to go to the commissary and talk about shopping, labels etc.

I got my hair done today. I'm letting it grow out....but she put layers in and flipped some up and some under....I'm pretty sure I won't ever get it to look like Heather did.

Nolan and Arielle began a drama class today at Camp Broadway Kids. They went home with Deja's family after co-op. Nolan hasn't stopped talking. They had a good time.

Nolan, Zander, Stacia and I went for a long walk. We met up with Jamin. We stopped and played at a local school's playground on our way home. Stacia loves the high slides. One is twisty, and she nearly got more than she bargained for. Jamin and I laughed at the look of terror that quickly switched to exhileration on her face.

Pizza tonight. Ruckus. Movie. Josiah's working until at least 11:30 tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Why are there no pictures of the flippy hairstyle? Everyone should get their pictures made at the salon so at least they would REMEMBER how it's supposed to look. And they could send that pic out to all their friends on the blog & make everyone THINK that is how they look EVERYDAY.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Sorry - I feel like *I'M* doing good to get myself to the hair salon - let alone the camera and then WHO is taking all these photos??? Emily, Cindy - are you taking girls along or do perfect strangers take these photos for you....LOL I think if I tried to document my hair cut as well as Cindy did her daughter's I'd still be there. ::snort:: I was impressed....and the dentist too! You ladies are something - I just don't remember to take the camera to those spots...I'll do better.

As for the hair do - as I thought - it isn't going to look a lot different than it DID when *I* do it.

Liz, remember talking about the hairstyle I should choose when I went from long to short? And we decided not to do the one Beth Moore one because it would take a stylist to make it think she gave me a cut very similar...but I WANT it to grow out and so she did layers and said I could do them any way I want...but SHE did them flipped under on one layer and out on the other.....We'll see. I'll be sure to get a picture the next time I go. LOL

Anonymous said...

Sis: The directions for the hair-do sounds good enough but.... I do at least know you take after me in one area and that is messing with hair at home. I gave that up to many years ago. The natural curl look is fine for me and all i can do to wash every morning and etc. :):)

BUT, just think NO foto's of the look on Stacia's face coming down that one slide. :):)

Might be best!!! :)

Dad can feel the screw now rubbing against bone and the pain is more. THE OPEARATION WILL BE ON MARCH 8TH. Just exactly 2 weeks later than the last one scheduled. He has to go for lab work first and hopefully infection will be gone.

The wheel chair is once again the mode of transportation so he does not have to walk as much with the walker etc.
