Saturday, March 03, 2007

Two New Purchases

Sometime during this week and friend and I went out to lunch. Then we went shopping. I had been looking for a butter bell and the local kitchen speciality store called to say that theirs were in. This is NOT a butter's a norpor or is that nopro ::snort:: for less than 1/2 the price of a butter bell. I wanted some of the really cool designs but I wanted to be sure I liked this before I forked over money. So....on the left....darling honey jar; not sure it will work but I'm trying to find something less messy than a quart jar of honey. On the right...butter bell. You put water in the bottom of the crock, softened butter in the top....

and you have cool, fresh, spreadable butter when you want it...without the mess of a butter dish.


Anonymous said...

Oh I need a butter bell. Our butter dish is so gross. Of course, I can't stand mess, so smeary butter on the butter dish is not my cup o tea :)


becky.onelittle said...

I've never seen such a thing, and I'm in love!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh - I'm so with you Kelly. I HATE the mess on the butter far so good with this....and it really is sort of cool. I found this one for 8.99. The real ones on line are 19.99.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Becky.....if you can't find one let me know and I'll send you could think of me every time you reached for your butter. ::snort::

Debbie said...

Hmmm...sounds like a good idea. Our butter dish gets so disgusting! How often do you need to change the water?

Love the little honey pot. We too, have a sticky honey jar.

Anonymous said...

I've never even heard of one of those butter bell things. *I* must have one!(g) Where did you get yours? Or where do they sell them?

Jen in Az.

Kathy in WA said...

I'm in line for one as well. Where did you find this little treasure? Do you leave it out on the counter? Is there a certain length of time when it is safe/healthy to leave butter unfrigerated? I've always wondered that.

Renee said...

Kathy asked: Is there a certain length of time when it is safe/healthy to leave butter unfrigerated?>>

I know that growing up a stick of butter would sit in the butter dish on the table until it was used up... and in the summer it would melt into a mess.... we survived so I guess it's not aproblem.....

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Debbie - it's new but my plan is to change the water when I add new butter....I think they said "up to a month" but that is to gross for me.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Jen - I found mine at the local kitchen speciality store for 8.99. I googled 'butter bell" and found the originals on line for 19.99....if you can't find a cheaper one let me know - it may be cheaper to pay postage and have me pick one up for you...that can go for any of you.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I've always just left butter out on the counter...and some say that it doesnt' taste "fresh" - I'd not noticed or worried about that.

I like this for the mess purposes and becuase it will keep the butter COOLER in the summer so it isn't a melted mess.

They say it will last up to a month - but I seriously DOUBT I'll ever test that....I can't imagine a stick of butter lasing a month in our house...maybe I'll put one in right before we leave on vacation one time. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Beth first mentioned this in the comment section of my blog a month or so ago.

Bev in OR said...

I LOVE the butter bell idea!...Thanks for the inspriation, DeEtta...And for those intersted, Amazon carries the Norpro brand one and it qualifies for the free shipping deal...

bev...from SHS

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks for the link Bev...yes...norpro is cheaper than the "real" butter bell and is working just fine for me.

all in the family said...

I absolutely LOVE my butter bell. I got mine from my best friend in AL for Christmas! It was a TRUE blessing! I didn't realize, until I started buying REAL butter, what a chore it would be to make it spreadable, and here you have it!


Beth in GA

all in the family said...

BTW about the question as far as the butter for the bell, I just leave mine out to soften, then cram it in the bell, then turn it upside down in the water and walla! BTW mine doesn't last even sometimes a WEEK in my house, especially if I make hot bread that day???!?? It doesn't last sometimes that DAY,lol.

Beth in GA