Saturday, April 28, 2007

Book Discussion - "The Monistry of Motherhood"

Ladies, I've decided to begin our book discussions with *The Ministry of Motherhood* by Sally Clarkson. You can purchase this book at Whole Heart Ministries , or many other spots. The book has study guides and questions every few chapters and I think that will assist in making this an easy book to discuss.

I'm open to discuss pace. I don't want to move TOO quickly...but I've noted that book discussions bog down if you move TOO slowly. ::snort::

I'd like to begin in May. Yikes - that's soon. ::snort:: you think we should allow one or two weeks for everyone to get the book? I've got an idea - let's begin the Monday after Mother's Day, some of you may want to request the book for Mother's Day. ::snort::

You can simply read the reviews and comments....or jump in and the book, read it, share your informed thoughts.... Or skip the whole thing if that pleases you most. ::snort::

Picture of the book won't load - I'll try tomorrow.


Cynthia said...

Right after Mother's Day works for me. That'll give me time to get the book and it'll give me time to get dd's graduation day finished before trying to add reading a book back into my schedule (LOL)!

Anonymous said...

Monday after MD works for me.
I need to get the book too.

We shoveled our last snow pile into the sun today. Summer's coming. Yippee!! Well, longer sunny days. :) My sense of seasons has become twisted up here.

Jen said...

They just did this book as one of the choices at the Bible Study I go to. Too bad I don't go to that church. I might ask one of the many people who are done with their books if I could borrow it! LOL

I will find a copy somewhere and join in.

Diann said...

I would totally love to do this book. After Mother's Day sounds good for me, although while I am getting ready for the wedding at our house, I may be somewhat busy, but I have been wanting to read this book and this would be a good excuse.

Anonymous said...

The timing is good for me as well. Will you hold the discussion here on your blog or open up a book discuss on yahoo?

Kelly said...

After MD sounds good to me, too. Doug will be starting his new job then, so a little transition may be happening, but I am joining in. I love that book.

Debbie said...

That sounds good, De'Etta. This will give me time to order the book.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

We'll discuss it here on the blog. Give me a bit of time to work out has gotten hectic.