Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Last night was to be our last study of the year. I began getting calls an hour before the study and we ended up cancelling. We had some amazing storms again last night. We didn't get hail this time (lots on Sunday) but we did have wind, rain, and lots of thunder. I was looking forward to concluding our Bible Study season last night....not that I don't love the group....but I am in a "closure" stage right ending, graduation, Bible Study....seems the thing to do.

I let the younger ones go out and play in the rain. We used to do the sames in the dorms in the Philippines. BTW, she has a rubber snake...not a real one! ::snort::
The storm blew several eggs out of our tree. The kids called me to take photos, I took one and then cried. The little bird was perfectly formed and I'm sure it was a great homeschool science lesson but it made me very sad.
We ended the night reading some hilarious stories from a compilation of outdoor writers. We read one Patrick McManus, our all time favorite, and I can't remember who the other guy was but it was a great story. We laughed, prayed, and went to bed. A great night - but I still wish we could have finished up Bible Study. LOL


Cynthia said...

I also enjoy wrapping up lots of things this time of the year! I'm ready for a break and come fall I'll be ready to start new things again!

Stephanie said...

I'm with you. I like wrapping up things. Even though we're attempting (yet again!) some summer lessons, it just doesn't feel the same because we're not tied to the same routi:e. Our church decided to continue the classes and Bible study through the summer though since they didn't start for the first time till this Spring, so our schedule will only be lighter in a few sections. :sigh>

Renee said...

{{{DeEtta}}} Sorry to hear about the baby birds.

Debbie said...

I agree about winding down on things this time of year. We are slowly ticking off things in our school schedule and ending other outside acitivites.

I used to love playing outside in the rain. Bummer about the baby birds. All the time and effort put in by momma bird.

Lisa in Jax said...

Love the photo! Nothing like wet kids playing with a snake.LOL

Mine usually have a live one though.

You all are wrapping things up and we're just getting started!

Amico Dio said...

Awe... poor birdies. We continue to get storms here in LA too. I would love a break from the rain.

Anonymous said...


Was thinking about you all and wondering how the storms were affecting you all.

Beautiful day here.

Mike/Deb Brandt are home as of noon today. Won't be returning to the field. Dad went to meet them etc.

Winding down is the mode we are all in at school. BUT we have until the 14th of June. A good share of the kids have already checked out and it is like pulling teeth to keep them on track. :) :(

Would love to be playing in the warm rain with the kids. :):)


Romany said...

The bird thing would have made me cry too.


all in the family said...

You know my heart started racing, because I naturally looked at the picture before I read the blog (habit). I had to do a double take, and thought, surely Stacia is NOT playing with a snake. Then I started to giggle when I realized it was a TOY snake. Although, two of my littles would be scared of a toy one, lol. Sad, sad about the baby birds. We LOVE LOVE birds around here and that would make me so sad.

We miss you on SHS.

Jodi said...

So sad about the baby birds. dd me to the cryers.

Maybe Stacia wants to be the next croc hunter and catch snakes and all sorts of creepy things! No that would not be good for her Mommy's nerves.