Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket What IS Today?

It was poor planning to schedule a doctor visit for every day of the week. I thought I had an optometry appointment today; but it was an annual gyn appointment. ::snort:: ::gasp:: At this appointment, I was given a referral for a mammogram and told I HAD to go get one. I told her I called less than two weeks ago and she said THEN that I didn’t need one. She realized, today, that I have a family history – I told her that two weeks ago, honest Mom, I did. She also told me that contrary to the new young doc’s opinion, I am not likely in menopause.

A friend, Debbie, works at the pharmacy on base, and so she and I went out for lunch. I had an hour between my appointment and her lunch break so I headed downtown and bought a couple of gifts that were to be had no where else. I also went to the “big” library.

After lunch I visited the base library. I went to see Debbie M at the Heath and Wellness Center (HAWC). I took back her 3 mile Leslie Sansone tape – I purchased the 4 fast miles. Debbie gave me a big exercise band to play with….looks like that stuff dentists put in your mouth…..

I ran to the Commissary.

I came home, made dinner, waited for Mike to show up……he had talked to one of our deployed spouses today and she needed him to go take a look at her water heater. What FUN for me. I got to go along and visit with Gwen and play with the babies (she has a 3 and 2 yo).

It is now 9:16 and I need to bring the day to a close….For the first time in 9 days I did not do a 45 minute workout….but I did NOT gain any weight over the Holiday weekend….I think I lost a pound.
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Unknown said...

I also made a bunch of appointments for this week. Why?? I have no clue.
Congrats on losing weight! It's a tough time of year for weight loss.

Anonymous said...


Good, I like the DR. you saw yesterday. What a ugly surprise though to think you were going for one reason and then another reason......... :(:(

I had my yearly pinch-ouchy session yesterday. Boy at my age they don't let you forget. :)

Proud of the fact that you lost weight during Thanksgiving week. I just stay the same no matter what.

I get to miss another day of school. Love it that my boss dosen't want me there when having a cough like I get....... :)

bye for now.... will make one comment via email.


Kristine said...

They've checked me for menopause by doing a blood test--an elevated level of something indicates it's trying to produce more estrogen?? Or something. But it was simple. Fast. Inexpensive.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yep - I asked about that Kristine. I was told that if you haven't missed cycles and you've been pregnant in the past year you are are not in menopause. LOL

Cynthia said...

BUSY BUSY! Tis the season to get in all of the last minute year end dr appts... we're in the midst of that here as well... I'd forgotten about those dozen appts that are also cluttering my calendar.. next year I should plan them for Nov instead of Dec.

Incase you've noticed that I've taken time to read a few blogs this a.m... I'm treating myself to reading an entry after I finish each task on my desk!

WHOO HOO! I'm almost through reconciling a year's worth of VISA statements now!

I've enjoyed catching up with you as my treat for staying on task!