Saturday, January 17, 2009


The day began bright and early with my yogurt making attempts.

I hustled to IHOP for our monthly Chaplain Spouse breakfast.

I took Jared to CAP and stopped by the Commissary. I was pleasantly surprised to see MORE Organic food on the shelves. Maybe I won't NEED a United Co-op in our new location - just a really nice commissary.

I baked 3 loaves of bread and 2 doz garlic rolls.

Mike CAME HOME!!!!

We played around.

BreAnne called.

Mike took me to dinner.

I did my Stability ball/Strength exercises....managed 2 sets of squats and 4 (4 in the 1st set forget the rest)'s improvement. ::snort::

Mike read to the boys to settle them down at bedtime. Mike went in to read Stacia a bedtime story and she said, "Let me tell you a story...." - vintage Stacia.

I read blogs and played around with a new template while I waited to discover if I'd made more sour milk or yogurt.

I made YOGURT! Yes - photos to follow but I really have better things to do tonight than blog.

Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.


Romany said...

So, IHOP, Is that the IHOP that Emily blogs about? International House of Prayer?

Or Pancakes?

Maybe it's prayer AND pancakes? That would be cool.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yeah - I thought of stating the difference but figured most of my blog readers would know that it was International House of Pancakes as they aren't in the habit of thing IHOP - International House of Prayer. LOL

Stephanie said...

I love the new template! It's so pretty! Congrats on making yogurt. I loved making yogurt. That's truly the only thing that I miss about going dairy-free.