Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Thick of It

Yep, we're entering the thick of pursuing "overseas clearance" for the family.

I'd love prayers.....

  • Knowledgeable personnel with RIGHT answers (it's frustrating to get different answers)
  • QUICK paperwork
  • Patience for all
  • Specifically, please pray for Nolan to be released from speech. He's been working all year on one sound. The therapist has SAID she'd release him. Now it needs to happen.
  • Evidently, we have to have EACH of our children released from the Public School district for the family to accompany Mike to Japan. This is SILLY. When we went to AK, WE were allowed to fill out the form, as we know our kids and are the ones educating them. THIS time there is an insistence that it be filled out "by the school" which one????? AND it has an added question, "If you homeschool what program do you use"......honestly....I'm not sure HOW the Public Schools, who have never met our kids, can answer some of the questions on here.
  • UCI in less than two weeks on THIS will nice for it to be over...
  • The kids will need immunizations (as will I)...this is not happy talk...but worth it for Japan...however if they aren't going to clear us I'd rather not have the immunizations. ::snort::
  • Pray for the kids to WOW them and blow them away when they are interviewed. ::snort:: Maybe I'll have Zander take his Viking book. ::snort::
  • Passport appt first thing tomorrow a.m.
  • I need to pick up records and referrals all over town....please pray that I enjoy meeting all these people and specifically that I shower them with grace as I wait for paperwork. It honestly has been fun...but I am getting tired...and have I mentioned I'll be so glad when the UCI is over at base. (UCI - MONDO INSPECTION).
  • We really want to focus on school and house....but we have to focus on paperwork and such....peace, peace, peace. LOL

I've not even had time to upload photos today....or check for floor plans for base housing.....We will have to wait until we arrive to really know if we want base or off base housing.....pros and cons to both by what I'm hearing. One housing issue we DO know - we need to get this house ready to list.

Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.


Debbie said...

Praying fo all of these items. I guess I never thought that you would need to be "released" from a school district. It sounds very strange.

I did get a bit of a chuckle out of all your paperwork sounds like an adoption! My advice (for what it is worth)...just one piece at a time, before you know it you'll have it all together.

Just me~Bobbie Jo said...

I'll be praying for you. I remember the paperwork-good times-NOT! Just take your time-believe it or not it will all get done and you'll look back and be like that was a piece of cake!

Anonymous said...

hang in there Sis as we are all paying for you all as you get so many months of stuff done in short order. PRAYING and love mom T

Romany said...

Gosh, so much to be done and so much to pray for. Will do.

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers for the exciting adventure you all are going on.

becky.onelittle said...

So sorry it's not going smoothly. Hopefully you can go over the SrA's head and get it done more quickly. We had the same issue with finance once, and because we were only SrA ourselves, they wouldn't believe us over the finance guy. They overpaid both of us 6,000 (that's 12,000) in six months. We let it sit in savings for about a year and used it on a house and a trip to Europe- thinking, we must have been wrong. Then they garnished both of our paychecks (entirely) in one month while we were in Europe. OUCH! They forgave Ian, but I had to repay. How fair is that?

Yvonne said...

Oh my goodness, it sounds overwhelming. I'll be praying for all that you mentioned.

Debbie Phillips said...

Keeping this post on my Google Reader so I remember to pray for you each day as I read the new posts of others.

Margie said...

Are you members of the Tx Home School Coalition? They could really help you out right now, to find the appropriate answers.

Linda said...

This is so overwhelming that I have no idea what to say but will certainly be praying!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Wow. Sounds like drinking from a fire hydrant!

You're in my prayers,


Wild Homeschool Family said...

I think I'd be temptd to crawl under a rock at the thought of all this. Praying for you and all these circumstances. For it all to just work out and get done fast!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Debbie - that's it - I'll look at this as training for future adoptions or such.....that will help me keep a good attitude. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Bobbie Jo - I thought of you today! We were told there were no space A flights out of Misawa. This has been confirmed. BUT today the man who did our passports had lived in Misawa for 8 years. He said that we need to get friendly with the navy pilots...they always need night flight and ocean experience and we can get out that way. ::Snort:: I want to take YOU with me to Misawa. We could have so much fun. Thinking of you as you prepare to fly away next week.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks so much for the prayers! Debbie - what a sweet idea.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Margie - we aren't...but I do have a couple of phone calls in...since lower level offices were stumped...I called Home School Legal Defense (we're members), SAISD main office and a Col on base (Christian man whose children go to a private school so I guess he'll understand my question here) who is the school liason by Monday night I should know WHERE they want the forms to go....though I'm still stumped by some of the questions. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Julie - my phrase. Made me laugh - and so true!