RUSH to theater for Cars 2. I must confess I fell asleep after Tokyo and woke up for a quick bit in Paris and then London......but what I saw was cute. They did a great job with the Japan scenes....Mater in the bathroom - priceless....and Tokyo...Narita Airport... Very cool to watch it in Japan.
I have the wasabi experience of not knowing what it was and taking a big bite. LOL
After the movie I met Annette for a fun surprise we were planning.
I got home and was SOOOO tired. Michael told me to take an hour nap.....the kids were playing with new neighborhood kids. I was proud that they went and knocked on their door (they moved in yesterday) and asked them if they'd like to come play.
We headed to the beach - our old beach with the new access. We had our OWN fireworks display. It was fun. Gorgeous to sit on the beach, warm and content, moon reflecting on the waves and set off our fireworks. Not being able to read what type of firework you are about to unleash certainly adds to the fun! ::snort::
She nearly blinded several of us with these "night vision spy glasses". ::snort::
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
I thought of you during that bathroom scene, DeEtta!
I thought of you during the Japan scenes too. :-)
That bathroom scene was hilarious....and fun to watch in a theater full of military families living in Japan who have experienced the "bathroom thing". LOL
I probably won't see this until it comes out on DVD... Amanda took Nathan to the theater though.
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