"Ah, Kawai, kawai" - (cute).
Stacia answered "Doitashimashite" - Your welcome - not exactly a correct response in any language. ::snort::
He asked her name and she responded.
He made her a presento - a meaning paper (which I like as well as the finished products).
Yep - Stacia in Kanji. Each character means something - evidently her name says "Congratulations Queen Person" ::big grin::
Our Family Name - "Delightful Peaceful Gorgeous Wide Family"
OK - we're the delightfully peaceful, gorgeous and wide family. I told him we have nine children and he said, "Very wide." Then he said God Bless You - which is not the response we usually get in Japan. . . or in America come to think of it. ::snort::
Turns out he also has a "gift of healing." He transfers "excess energy," which he accumulates through mediation to others through his hands.
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Love the name 'Congratulations Queen Person'!! And Stacia's response of 'You're welcome'. Too cute.
It was pretty funny.
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