A funny....Stacia came downstairs looking ADORABLE when she heard we were going shopping. I complimented her flower and butterfly and she told me, "I dressed up so the Japanese will say....ah, she's so cute and take my picture and give you a good deal." Um....I wonder what she will be like in the states without her paparazzi. I told her we were going on base and I didn't think there would be lots of Japanese people to talk to today. She was sad.
I was wrong. There WERE Japanese VENDORS, and KOREAN, THAI and vendors from Hong Kong. She had a great time. She did get photos taken....and I DID get great deals....she got several "presentos" too.
MANY told me the best place to buy one would be the MOSC Bazaar. This may be our last chance to attend a bazaar....however, if we are here next year, I'm sure to volunteer for this.
Michael was a bit surprised that I wanted a BIG tansu....I explained I was willing to give up the "forest in the corner" of our living room and the love seat to make it fit...but I thought it would fit. We compromised and got a "mid size". I didn't realize they'd bargain (which isn't typical) but they said, "Chaplain, what do you want to pay for this?" Mike named a price far lower than I would have as I KNEW what the small ones cost....she asked for $100 more. We ended up getting the mid size for the price we'd pay for small one. I'm happy....and I really like the color we decided on too. The two big boxes and frame JUST fit in the van.....
A word about our living room. It's functional. When we realized we'd have a nice size living room, we wished we'd brought furniture....but I had in mind a step tansu so didn't want to spend a lot of money on furniture....we bought these little wooden shelves.....this is the ONLY space I've had to set out "decorative" items..... We don't have a family room - so the living room is LIVED In and functional....but I wanted functional and pretty......
This one was very full of school stuff...it spilled over to the left....
Our entertainment center
There are two types of doors - this means one side of the tansu is a plain side and one is decorative....the cupboard and drawers open from either side. VERY versatile. Of course we had to DECIDE which doors would face the room and which would face the wall.... Michael liked flowers, I liked plain.....
I suggested this (use both)....and was voted down.
Plain side of the main piece
We put this piece to the left of our couch....the little teapots are antique cast iron pots. The jars hold some of our sea glass and agates found on the local beaches.
Top of the tall piece has my mother's day gift fountain (filled with sea glass), a basket of glass floats, more sea glass.... projector stuff, wii and school stuff is inside.
We connected the second step piece here....and I was able to display gram's Bible, Uncle Bill's french horn, more sea glass....
I was able to move things off this shelf and bring my Kokechi Doll Collection down......
OH - this was inside the big piece. We removed it and then debated what to do with it...I suggested storing magazines, umbrellas, water bottles....the slipper idea has stuck. I put it in the entry hall so guests can grab some slippers when they take off their shoes.
Functional and pretty....I like.
We also bought Christmas gifts for the girls and both Grandmas. We found a few other treasures. I'll blog about them later.
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Pretty mom...i likee
- bre g
And stacia is too funny...what shall she ever do back in the states? Lol
- Bre g
What a lovely piece of furniture!! Absolutely beautiful.
I LOVE this tansu....makes me smile. I open the door, pull out the school mess, put it back and close the door.Such a great idea. LOL
Bre, I'm not sure how she'll react when she no longer gets petted, patted and photos taken when she ventures out. LOL
Theresa got terribly spoiled by folks in Korea and also when we traveled to Thailand; she truly thought she was a princess. Praying Stacia has an easier transition back in the US
Love your tansu, almost bought one in KOrea but got a medicine cabinet instead. Based on our 'forever' house, it was the right decision for us
Sis: Beautiful furniture! Stacia will do fine... to be petter and etc just take her to some old folks rest homes........... will make both them and Stacia happy.
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