One of my new ministry projects has been to try to form an online reading group using PWOC Asia Region's FB pages. We call it TnT - Truth N Treasures. The thought is for everyone to read a chapter a day...and we'll go through the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs by the end of the year. The hope was everyone would post a daily thought on FB....that hasn't caught on yet....but I can tell folks are checking in to follow...I pray they're reading along with us too.
I wanted to post a QUICK weekly video fleshing out one verse from our weekly reading. Lauren helped me make an announcment slide for local groups - because mine was truly terrible. I asked for help to fix it and she just redid it. ::snort:: I needed to figure out how to make a video - and this was the week I was determined to make it work. I found the webcam (in Movie Maker LOL), I learned to change colors, add some words and music.....still rough. Next week I'll figure out how to edit, and to turn the sound up, find a less distracting setting and keep it to 60 seconds....but here's what I've been trying to teach myself. LOL
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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