- Michael woke up once with break through pain but 800 mg of Ibuprofen took care of it; we're getting the pain managed
- English muffins baking and dough started for cinnamon craisin English Muffins which I'll bake this afternoon.
- Titus 2 is the chapter today for PWOC Japan TnT (Truth n Treasures) - why DO so many hate to talk about "doctrine"? It simply means teaching, one who teaches. How can be sound without knowing what we believe and paying attention to proper teaching?
- For those who wonder about Mike's photos - it's Mustache March in Misawa...and it was Flat Top February....women are threatening Armpit April....stay tuned.
- Yuuki meets neighborhood Shiba....will this be good in the long run?*
- How do you teach a child "common sense"?*
- 4.6 shaker while we do couch school
- Labs and Doc today - still have a drain; liver numbers are down, something else and pancreas numbers continue to rise. *
- School done*, doc done, whole wheat and Cinnamon Craisin English Muffins baked....I'm done.
The * items are ones which I'm writing blog posts on for the day.
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
When you figure out the common sense lesson, please share. Many parents will be lining up to listen
I wish I could figure it all out....and I wonder...seriously... many my age could use the lesson too. I know chaplains would LOVE to have a common sense pill they could dispense. LOL
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