- TnT - Ps 51 "Renew a steadfast spirit within me." Steadfast...firm...established...fixed in the face of life. In leadership, I'm encouraged to be steadfast in the face of challenges. In my personal life, steadfast in the face of uncertainties, kids flying the nest, child rearing challenges...steadfast.
- Bike ride with Zander and Stacia through the Japanese farming fields, early a.m. "Ohiyogoziamasu" to neighbors....priceless.
- Fielding ministry emails and praying for a regional brain (admin coordinator) and more. LOL
- Zander earned $10 after he rewashed the car and got it right!
- Haircuts for all.
- Strange incident with an irritated bicyclist.
- We stopped with dinner on base so we could see Michael.
- Rousing bedtime game of Twister....like the new haircuts? There are four Gherkins in this photo - can you find them all?
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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