Tuesday, October 23, 2012


FINALLY - after two appointments where they opted to leave them on - TODAY Arielle's braces came OFF! 

Trying to find a BEFORE shot and noting that Arielle didn't do a lot of full smiles for photos before braces...hadn't realized that before -  she's always had a beautiful smile. 

July 2010

You can sort of see here - she had several cross bite issues going on, a tooth turned sideways etc. 
May 23, 2010

DURING....this a.m. 
October 24, 2012 - Last moments with braces 
 Arielle was METICULOUS with her dental routine after hearing all the horror stories of brown teeth and broken bands etc....she did all they asked her today...

I took her by the commissary today where I purchased her very first SNICKERS bar in over 2 years!

Oct 24, 2012

Even better than a Snickers! 
We'll go back in this afternoon for her retainer...and back in for youth and AWANA...been awhile since we've had a 3 trip to base day. 

Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Deja said...

Absolutely beautiful! Enjoy a bunch of stick food for Emma, okay? I'll never forget the day after I got my braces off...I had to do an oral report on Nicholas Copernicus, the Astronomer...try saying THAT with a new retainer LOL

Deja said...

Ooops, I meant STICKY food!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh my - that would be a mouthful. I think she was a tiny bit bummed this afternoon when we got the retainer...but we went on an adventure, found the Apple Man and bought a case of apples. She quickly saw it isn't too terrible to take out your retainer - she could eat the apple without chopping it into tiny pieces. LOL

Anonymous said...

Arille: You look so beautiful! Congrats on all the hard work you have done to make this all work just great. Job Well Done.!

love/prayers -- 2G's T.