Every 3rd or 4th day we need what we call a "trailer" or "down" day.....I think the term "down day" is misleading. We need to take care of the things of life: laundry, baking bread, any minor repairs....because when you have few clothes and live in a teeny tiny house - you don't want a lot of laundry piling up.
This was a WILD weather day in our part of OR. It rained - hard off and on - in between the sun was bright....and then we had thunder too, somewhere in the mix....It was a good day for a "trailer" day.
We headed to "The Girls'" while they were at work and school.....and did 5 loads of laundry...and I baked 8 loaves of bread. Why would we haul everything there? We'd rather pay them the exorbitant laundry rates than a park, ::snort:: AND we know their machines well -we gave them to them when we moved from our SB (Stick and Bricks) home. AND.....they have THIS....a double oven!
Michael worked on editing a college paper for Arielle, the kids played and read. We were finishing about the time Krista came home from work. She did a very little bit of homework, Michael ran for Papa Murphy's, Mom and Lorri arrived, I baked pizzas and we ate and played games. Dad ran to a meeting at New Hope and then joined us. Our first game was Farkle. This is new to us and Alex and Stacia learned today. I think it will be a fun one we can play in the trailer.
Nolan went with Krista to game night with her friends last Friday. They do this most Fridays. He was introduced to a new game - Dominion. We tried to find it at Target as Nolan had a gift card for Target (hadn't heard about the big Target flap - no need to inform me now, I've been on FB since then LOL). Now FOLKS if we don't SPEND the Target gift cards we have the company makes MORE money - so show some grace. In any event - none of the Targets had it in stock. Terrah, a friend of Krista's, loaned it to us so Nolan could show us how fun the game would be.
Nolan LOVES strategy games! Most of us like games which are shorter than 10 hours at a whack....and long, long games are hard to maintain in the Caboose. I wonder if he and Krista conspired to teach us this one? In any event, I'm told you can play it in 30 min. (when everyone knows what they are doing - which wasn't us).
Nolan and Krista had their hands full teaching us - but by the end of the night we were catching on and seeing the potential in the game. We'll have to keep looking for it.
We got - Me and Lorri |
Alex |
Pretty hand - what do you do with it? LOL |
Stacia |
Krista ended up not playing - she bounced back and forth between us. Thanks, Krista! We'll remember you and Terrah and Hudson each time we play!
Nolan and Krista were great teachers |
Grandpa (my Dad) |
After a couple of days of sight-seeing, Michael found himself nearly incapacitated for the day. Not only were his joints ready for a break, he had a hard time staying awake and so sat in the recliner and dozed in and out. BUT he was there. Chronic Fatigue is a symptom of Parkinsons that seems to be fairly consistent and brutal. We're learning to work with it.
Michael |
Krista and Grandma (my mom) |
I didn't really figure out the purpose in the game, or how to win, until the very end. It was a fun family Friday night.
#WYFF (Where's Your Feet Friday) is sponsored by Fulltime Families. View more of our Friday exploits by clicking the #WYFF tab above.
1 comment:
:) the game Krista & Nolan taught us is a good one. I dosed in/out a lot of the night thinking about it. Maybe next time I be much sharper. :) :) :) :) l/p Mom t.
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