Mom is nine days post-surgery, and today we visited with her surgeon. Her incisions are healing nicely. They were able to remove all the breast cancer.
Life surprised us again as Dr. K continued to read the pathology report to us. Four of the seven nodes they removed were cancerous with a couple being big enough Mom will need to have radiation after all. They had hoped to avoid radiation.
The biggest surprise was the discovery that Mom has two types of cancer. She not only has breast cancer, but they discovered low grade B Cell lymphoma in her breast. This is usually found in the lymphatic system and Dr. K said it is very rare for her to find it. We will know more after we visit with the medical oncologist and the radiation oncologist. At this point, we know this is a slow growing blood cancer, usually manifesting first in the lymphatic system. We know it typically responds well to chemo and radiation and will go into remission for years. The line is its, "treatable but not curable." The treatment is usually to watch and then to treat with chemo and radiation so it would seem treatment of the breast cancer will also treat this.
While we were surprised, and it wasn't fun, to discover a second type of cancer, we rejoice in a mastectomy which led to early detection of the lymphoma. We rejoice this is also slow growing. We rejoice we are in Mom's very town for Michael to get the medical care he needs, and we are able to be here to process all this together with family. We rejoice in a GOOD FATHER who goes before us in each and every circumstance.
Once more, I'm faced with a hard to own reality - I can't fix this. In fact, there is very little I CAN DO, but I rejoice tonight in the One who holds each of us in the palm of His hands. It's amazing, to know He is ALREADY THERE when these sorts of days occur.
This year's verses are proving very applicable already... not only with cancer, but with rumors and fake news, with changes and decisions which need to be made....
"The LORD is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged." Deut 31:8 (HCSB)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Josh 1:9 (NASB)
I'm sorry that you have to go through this, but Gods hand is evident in what's happening. Having gone through this with my mom my heart also sad for you. Your mom is an amazing Godly woman, praying for you all. Jo
Thank you for your prayers.
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