Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Hard Day Made Fun! This Baachan has not been able to touch this little one since Nov. 11th. I think it's been since Nov 7th for BreZaak's kids. By the new CDC standards today we are OUT OF QUARANTINE. By the OLD CDC standards we have to wait until Nov 16th. Michael has had some odd symptoms and we aren't sure what is going on. We suspect Parkinson meds. He gets VERY dizzy.  A few weeks ago he was flat in bed for 3 days with dizziness, nausea, exhaustion, and a headache.  Thursday night he had the same. Just in case it may be Covid - he got tested today.  When his test comes back negative, we'll officially move out of quarantine. Grandpa got tested again too as his docs won't treat him without a negative test result.   We had been debating what to do about church tomorrow and had VERY RELUCTANTLY decided NOT to go to church out of an abundance of caution until Michael's test is back....then pastor called and church is going online due to other Covid complications at church. That made the decision to stay home until the test results a bit easier....

Meanwhile...CoRielle decided they were ok saying quarantine was over and they would come over so we could play  outside. I did not PUSH for this. They sent this polo of when they told him he could go to "Baachan's House." 

I was inside when they arrived. The door opened and I heard, "Surprise! Baachan, surprise!" They decided he and Arielle could come inside. Cory stayed in the car with Danny until Michael's test comes back. 

There were so MANY memories we wanted to make with the kids this season. I wanted to have them over to make gingerbread and decorate cookies. I wanted to take them shopping for gifts for their parents, out to lunch and home to wrap. I wanted to have teas with the girls. I wanted to look at lights and drink hot chocolate with them. I wanted to play with the Fisher Price nativity with them and read our Christmas books to them....not sure what we'll get done before Christmas, but it's a JOY to have Benny at home again. 

Quarantine Photo of the Day 

Benny doesn't give out random cuddles and hugs, but today he gave me lots of hugs....and each time someone new came home he hid in the hall and yelled, "Surprise." He made our days. 

Oh, the memories!

My kids played with this and I could hardly wait for grandkids to play with it now that Stacia is a bit too old to play with it. It stays under the tree so they can easily find it. Millie steals the angel. 

Photo Via Benny

GG and Papa got home and Benny surprised them. He told Papa he KNOWS the chair is not a toy, "...but can I ride it?" Papa let him ride one time. 

"Papa, I KNOW it's not a toy!" 

Benny read Tundra with GG

Stacia "started" to read one of the Christmas books with him.....

Krista gave Benny a 2020 penny. The grands have never exchanged a 2020 penny for a dollar coin. . . but they can and Michael always has the dollar coins to change for any of us that bring him the year's penny. Penny was suitably impressed. 

Arielle said, "You mean WE can still exchange pennies?" And she traded a shinning 2020 penny for a dollar coin too. LOL 

Mom gave me a red bucket of stuffed snowballs several years ago. I had planned inside snowball fights with the kids and them....but this was the first time one of the kids was over when they were out. He immediately grabbed one but didn't grasp the potential until we passed out snowballs and had an inside snowball fight. 
On this day, when I was missing mom, it was especially wonderful to have a quarantine break and get to spend a bit of time with Benny. 

Krista found a pair of used cross country skis. Stacia and I are asking for skis for Christmas...used are just fine....We'll have to move the concrete mixer - it seriously hampers my photo ops. ::snort:: 
I'm going to decorate this thing

When they left we packed into the van and went to drive through the Christmas lights at the State Fairgrounds. I told everyone Mom loved to look at the lights and I wanted us all to do it. They're good sports. Next year we'll go later in the day (this was the only time left today) and we'll take cookies and hot chocolate with us. They gave us a pair of 3d glasses that turned the lights into reindeers and snowmen. Very fun! 


Mom loved chocolate shakes and French fries  - especially at Dairy Queen. I don't do DQ, sugar, or fries lately...but once a year on Dec 12th - it sounded good. We stopped at the drive through. We parked and watched a bit of the Colony Parade while we enjoyed our DQ food. I couldn't finish my meal...I have been DYING of thirst since eating the shake and fries.....but I'm drinking lots of water and will not have any more sweets or salt.....for awhile. ::wink:: 

The past two years I've taken a meal to someone on the 12th - but quarantine being what it is - we came up with new ways to remember today. It was a good day. 

Dad didn't take ONE nap....and was happy to get out TWICE and have a visit from a Great Grandchild. Things are looking up. 

This anniversary was  - well - a bit hard and a bit wonderful. I cried a bit, I smiled a lot at memories, I made new memories with a grandchild, my heart thrilled at Benny's love, we remembered....

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