Saturday, December 12, 2020

I Miss You, Mom!

 It's been three years, Mom. The loss of time spent with you is no longer my waking thought. It's been months since I burst into tears while out shopping. Not a day goes by, however, when I don't think of you. 

River Cess, Liberia, West Africa c1968

In the last "real" conversation we had you asked me to be sure Dad was taken care of.  We're doing our best, Mom. I can't help wondering what it would have been like if you'd lived just a few more years and moved up with Dad. The great grands you'd have met, the adventures in the snow you loved....and yet, I still rest in the bedrock belief that the God you loved and served so well had numbered your days. 

Every Christmas I begin to do little things in your memory - things others aren't even aware loved Christmas so...I can only imagine how you have loved celebrating Jesus face to face.

I miss you, Mom. 

Philippine Islands c 1979

Mom's Obituary

Lessons From Mom 

Mom's Life Story

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