Friday, December 11, 2020

TGIF and My TASTE is Back!

 It has been weeks and weeks since Stacia and I went out for Bible study...quarantine and Covid being what they are. She really wanted to go this morning, Dad was sleeping in, the boys were home to stay with him if he did wake up, I didn't have a we went to Sophia's drive-through.  We wore gloves and masks and stayed in our car. When I tasted this wonderful Skinny Sugar Free Chai.....a heart-felt prayer burst from my lips, "Thank you, Jesus! This is so good." It hit me - my taste is back!!!! And the first thing which has tasted normal to me since Nov 22nd is a Sophia's chai. ::snort:: 

Quarantine Photo of the Day 

We took our meals to the top of Lazy Mountain. It was a beautiful day. We are still on the hunt for used cross country skis. We must find some. 
Masks are actually quite nice when its 5* out

We engaged in an impromptu discussion about perspective. See the little mountain in the shadow of the big one (Pioneer Peak). That little one is the Bodenburg Butte - which we trudge up. It seems like the top of the world when one is ON the Butte, it looks pretty puny when one views it from the top of Lazy Mountain, in the shadow of Pioneer Peak.  That'll preach. 

Dad and Michael both slept all morning and half the afternoon away. It was good. We puttered around and I did laundry. But FIRST...I knocked a case of jars off the top of a laundry shelf. This led to me reorganize the canning in the laundry room. At some point I'll get summer/fall blogged...but for's a few shots of some of the things we canned. I meant to keep track of how much I panted and how much we were able to can...but I think those notes got ditched. 

Ah well.... all from grown, foraged or caught by us this summer
Top shelf - Dandelion Salve, Pickles
Middle Shelf - apple sauce, salmon, broth 
Bottom Shelf - apple sauce, beans, pickles, salmon, green beans, beets, blueberries (foraged at Hatcher's pass), broth, peas, coleslaw

This shelf has zucchini relish, zucchini pickles and shredded zucchini...and there is another 12 quarts of apple sauce here and across the room....

It certainly isn't ALL we would have liked to put up; but the garden DID produce much more than it has in former years. 

We ended the evening watching the new Mulan. We liked it. 

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