Saturday, August 28, 2021

Post Wedding - Part 4

 I didn't take a lot of photos. I did take some "mental photos." 

Livie knew she'd be staying the night with us but when the moment came she was sad. We watched together and walked of hand in hand. It was sweet to share the moment with her, to assure her that she was going to LOVE the changes. 

These guys packed "things" away, moved vehicles from our neighbors back to our house, and generally took apart the wedding set up. Debbie, the girls and I packed away decorations and food. 

Jared & Alex in the back; Steven and Michael in front

Michael got a fire going. Sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows and eating s'mores makes everything a bit better. 

Stacia, Livie, Allie, Me

We sat around the fire late into the night re-connecting with Steve & Debbie. Steven and Jared joined us too. The girls headed inside, and we kept talking. 

It's been fun to revisit a summer night and see how long the sun really does shine in the summer. LOL

This day brought home some thoughts which have been swirling in my mind. I have often heard that military folks make "shallow friendships" due to the move. That's simply not true. I have so many friends who were FAMILY, we lived in a tight knit community and supported one another through some tough times. Those friendships remained...even if we only spent 2 or 3 years in the same location. It has been great to see the Hardings again, we picked up where we left off. 

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