Thursday, December 29, 2022

Another Trip to the Burn Center (5th Day of Christmas)

Izaak took the day off work and was able to drive Bre, Jojo and Trudy to the burn center today.  We had been told today's appointment would hurt, but Jojo was given meds before they left to help with the pain. They headed up to the burn center to have his wounds checked, cleansed and rewrapped. Izaak says it best, his hands are "gnarly." Poor Baby. 

I had purchased some Christmas crafts to do with grands, but this has not been the typical year, and I haven't spent time with the grands, and I kept forgetting to take things when I went to spend Tuesdays with the boys. 

Today, I brought some of my goodies. Wood cut outs and paint, our hot potato and snacks. We never did get around to playing hot potato or eating snacks. We had breakfast and then got out all the paints. 

I think they turned out cute! I thought the kids would want to sneak them into Bre's decor, but the girls had other ideas, and Gideon followed their lead. They had an eye for where they wanted to display their crafts. 

The infamous stovetop 

The kids asked for playdough next. Sure thing...

Japanese Ramen by Bella 

Gideon and Bella started making models of different characters from the Christmas story. Cute. Then they asked me to choose the best one of each. I asked them why everything needed to be a competition, and then I remembered their mom and aunts and uncles on game night and the annual gingerbread competition. OK - got it. 
Bella presents Baby Jesus 

This Mary is amazing...note the baby bump and the cane for walking after riding on the donkey all day. 

Gideon presents an Angel 

I was happy to squish fun-colored playdough. 

Annie ignored the competition and made pans and pans of PIZZAS. 

Everyone got home from Anchorage about this time...we'll save the rest of the fun for the next visit. Jojo will have another appointment in a week. 
So Glad Daddy could go today! 📷 by Bre

I needed to go shopping. Our family gift exchange is on NYE. I thought I'd go home and get Allie and Stacia first. When I got home no one was available to watch GG...we didn't go shopping.  Dinner was quick and easy - rice and burritos. 

We are settling in to see if we can get another Home Alone done....who knew? 

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