Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Our Son - Josiah Michael Goecker

Sept 30, 2023

Josiah Michael Goecker

Feb 9, 1989 - Oct 23,2023

Our son was shot and killed by a tenant yesterday while protecting a co-worker. Our hearts are shattered. He was the ultimate big brother, always thinking of family, a great husband and absolutely loved being a daddy. His care of Mike and I was amazing, always making sure we got our limit of salmon, had winter wood etc. His heart was big, his gentle wisdom loved by many.

It feels surreal. We mourn and grieve but, "this I call to mind and therefore have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is His (your) faithfulness..." Lamentations 3:20-24.
Lord, we need your mercy, love and faithfulness most on this day when we are broken, sad and angry.
Please pray for Carrie, Livie and their unborn daughter, for the family, and for the young lady whose life Josiah saved.

Fallon, a friend from Carrie's work has started a Go Fund me for Carrie and the girls. Our prayer is the financial concern of this time can be alleviated. If you'd like to contribute you can do so here. This is the only go fund me I am aware of...you may also contact me for Venmo options. We thank you so much for helping us take care of Josiah's girls.


Happier Days - July 2023

It's a girl! Join us in praying God's mercies and health on Josi Faith.


Anonymous said...

I have followed you for years but don't comment.
But my thoughts and prayers are with you all especially his girls.
Such a tragedy but hopefully knowing Josiah was a hero will help the pain.

Deja said...

So heartbroken for your family. Weeping and mourning with you.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...
