A lot accomplished today - another long day of paperwork. LOL
- I got all the auto pays which were coming from the out of state account moved to the local account.
- I copied and sent a power of attny to above vendors.
- I tracked all checking accounts - waiting for statements to reflect accurate balances so I can submit paperwork.
- Sent paperwork for Dad to a lawyer in WA via certified mail.
- I picked up Dad's medication.
- I bought a few things Dad needed.
- I talked to Dad's Care Coordinator several times today.
- Michael helped me reset the soaker hoses in the greenhouse.
I stopped on this overcast, drizzly, gloomy day to get a drive through chai. I've not done this in months!!!! In addition to the cute little Mae West quote I scored a long streamer that reads "You're my sunshine on a cloudy day." It's the little things that perk me up. ::snort::
I got home in time to hear from Dad's care coordinator again. It appears I will need to totally redo the application and documentation rather than just submit updated statements. The plan has been for me to send all to her, and she checks and submits the paperwork so she can track it. She's had a family emergency and will be leaving the state on Saturday. I will most likely be submitting it all myself. Yikes. I will rework it all tomorrow and then just wait for the verification I need before submitting.
I paid a few bills of OURS since I was in paperwork mode.
We met at a local restaurant for dinner with Krista, Nolan, Stacia and GG, Michael and I. They alternate between the valley and Eagle River or Anchorage. It is nice to have Krista home from traveling.
I rounded out the day by filling out some paperwork the girls' need for college.
Have you gathered I don't like paperwork nor talking on phones? I'm a face-to-face gal.
- A chai break on a cloudy day.
- Much accomplished in the realm of paperwork and bureaucracy.
- Dinner with adult kids - really is one of the best things going these days!
- Nice conversation with Michael.
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