Tuesday -
This is the Tuesday that felt like Monday. ::snort::
Stacia ran a fever all day but I finally got Motrin for her and she seems to be fine now. Zander is sort of lethargic; not sure what is up.
We didn't begin school until after lunch when Stacia went down.
I ran to the library and found books for our Thanksgiving mini-unit (I guess that's what I'll call it).
I cancelled Bible Study tonight and that involved phone calls.
We decided we are going to do something very RARE have a family Thanksgiving meal. We'll then have dessert, munchies and games in the evening here....if we can find others that want to go out in the evening after stuffing themselves all day. I feel good about this. It acknowledges that this is not a "normal" Thanksgiving since the girls and Mike aren't here...but it doesn't let us wallow all day...we get to do something with others. The boys are excited...one of them said, "We won't have to prepare for FOUR days!" WHAT? I don't remember being frazzled. ::snort::
I picked up our produce order today. I was so PROUD that we were OUT of broccoli and carrots. There were 4 of us ordering today so we got way more variety than we usually do. It is a lot of produce....but I already cut up the broccoli and cauliflower. If it's cut up it is very easy to steam it, stir fry it, or throw it in a salad. I also cut up a head of romaine and green leaf to have for making salads. I dehydrated a thing of apples today because I knew more were coming. We found another drawer of apples tonight that we'd forgotten we had! Heather.....if you want to borrow my dehydrator some afternoon/evening or something let me know. I know that Mike likes getting those in the mail.....Let's see the evening was spent with a couple picking up produce and some still picking up from the Shop Natural co-op last night.
My friend Adrienne called tonight to tell me that I looked more tired than she's ever seen me looking today...another good reason to cancel pictures. We were supposed to get pictures for the year book etc tomorrow...but with Stacia running 102* up until 6 p.m. and Zander being so lethargic...we'll stay home tomorrow. Adrienne wondered what she could do to help me - but there simply isn't much you can do. I know I felt helpless when her little ones had that awful Hand, Foot and Mouth thing.
My friend Heather bought some tea from Republic of Tea (think that's the name - to tired to go get the catalog). One is an African Bush tea. I'm going back to my roots. I really LIKED the one ...um....it's some sort of Red Tea with ....hmm....safari sunset or something. All that to say that I need to check where I bought my English vanilla tea and get some of that ordered and I think I will order a few of the herbal teas from this place too. They aren't half bad with rapadura cubes and milk. LOL
The girls are traveling and ministering this week at a big youth convention in OR - Ignite. I'm excited to hear how things go for them....hopefully Krista won't get the wind knocked out of her in this human video. LOL
I mailed out two more PBS books today. Whew. I was down to 0 credits and then had a slew of books requested. I'm excited that a Brian Cleary book on prepositions is coming my way.
That's the day...I now have 2 parenting proverbs to type up.....well I'm learning and marinating...just not having time to type with Stacia being ill.
Parenting is the priority.
Please don't stress about writing up what you're learning in your study.
Praying you all get the rest and recoup you need.
You are so right, Darshia.
I'm actually finding joy in having an excuse to stay home this week. LOL
Sis: Sounds like you are keeping your self busy.... probably to busy. :( Wish we were closer so we could help by watching the kids or something. Oh Well!
Dad loves all the foto's I print to take to him. He is getting to venture out today at 11 am for a dentist appointment at noon. The PT people want to see him get in our car to be sure he does it the right way. ??? If he does then he can go out a bit more. Can't get the wrong kind of pressure on the metal in his hip.
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