Monday, April 02, 2007

Random Camping Photos

Camping - Misc sights
Not sure where this came from...but it ended up in the trailer...
While I took a photo of a butterfly, Stacia climbed the top of this wall..... She's a scamp

Tree with honey bee hive in our site...


Anonymous said...


Wonder who the person is who picked up the interesting rock. Must be related to G'Ma Simm....


Jodi said...

More very nice pictures. Enjoyed catching up. Hope the party goes well and that you can find just the right math. My tiny comment there is that we used a year of MUS and I liked it a lot. For some reason a couple of the kids didn't though-I've really no idea why. I think it would be great if we could buy just the DVD's not the full set. The one year we used, it really helped my math understandability quotient. LOL