Wednesday, May 30, 2007


In between itching, and painting children, and spraying children.....I talked on the phone. Yes, all day. I really don't like talking on the phone...but such is life.

I got details for an alternative produce co-op that I can offer to our members. We'll not have co-op for 5 weeks as I'm gone. I need that info for the newsletter that I didn't get written today.

I began making calls for alternatives to shop natural - and to see what members want to do. We do have local options - but they DO cost more.....and there are some things we don't have local options for. Grains, dried fruits, and raw nuts that are natural, but not organic. It is looking like we'll go to a quarterly order so that we can still get those items...and I'm working to see if the local health food store will give a case discount etc to members who want to order through him....but he does only organic. (Which is why we can't get reasonably priced grains, nuts, and dried fruit from him). LOL This involved 3 calls to date.....
I've been calling hotels, campgrounds etc.
I paid bills.

THEN it appears that an email went out to the chaplain corp letting them know about our loss. To those friends of ours who are chaplains - um - I'm working on an email to send out to friends and family. I simply haven't been able to get the wording right. The system beat me to it. It's on my list to send out the email tomorrow even if I don't find the right words. {G} Cool thing - we got an email Day Spring card from the overseas base where Mike was deployed....and THESE came from the Chief of Chaplains office....
I'm trying to eat right again. Oops....salad at 3 and forgot dinner....gotta fix that or I'll never lose the rest of my weight - or get stronger.
And here it is 9:30 and I realize it is WEDNESDAY and not TUESDAY and I didn't get our produce order in. Oops...guess that moves to the urgent list tomorrow.


Trish said...

The flowers are lovely, and a very kind gesture.

Amazing Mama said...

De'Etta, I hope you got the flowers from the chapel ladies on saturday. please let me know so I can follow up if they didn't arrive

Debbie said...

What a lovely bouquet.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Mandy - they've arrived and thank you card to those who signed is on the way. {g}

I've got lots of flower photos to post.....

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...
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Susan Silver Dill said...

What a lovely thought. That was so gracious of them. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks Susan.

Emily said...

The bouquet of flowers are gorgeous! Still praying for you!