- Out POL gate
- Turn Left at 2nd light
- Follow the road until it Ts at Rte 338
- Turn Left to go to Rokkasho, Mutsu, Shimokita Pennisula
- Turn Right to go to Southern destinations
- Rt 338 North splits just before Rokkasho and rejoins in Rokkasho. The left branch is the better road and goes past Japan Nuclear Fuels Limited.
- Rt 338 South - comes to a traffic light right after Momoishi. Rte 338 is the right hand branch. The left hand road is Rte 19 and goes to Hachinohe Port and industiral area.
Route 8 , Non-toll (North for Tohoku, Aomori City, Michinoku #1 Toll Rd - South for Shimoda)
- North -
- go out main gate
- Turn Right at second light
- Turn right at the intersection with a blue sign directing to Aomori and Noheji
- South
- Go Out the POL gate
- Proceed to intersection where Circle K is on your RIGHT and Dynam Pachinko (log cabin) is on your left.
- Turn left here - this is Route 8 South.
Route 10, Non-toll
- Go out POL
- Stay on this road - it is route 10 to Towada City
Route 4, Non-toll National Road: Runs from North (Aomori City, Noheji to the South - Morioka, Sendai, Tokyo)
- Go out POL gate (you are on Route 10)
- Stay on Route 10 going towards Towada for about 15 km
- Route 10 crosses over Route 4 overpass
- Choose your direction and enter
Route 45, Non-toll National Road (From Towada City to Matsushima in Miyagi prefecture through Shimoda, Hachinohe, and the Pacific Coastline to Kuji, Fudai, Miyako etc)
- Go out POL and stay on this road until you see the toll road overpass
- Turn left at stop light before the overpass and merge on to the toll road
- At the first toll gate, pay Y200 and receive a ticket
- Get off at Exit 7, Hachinohe-Kita IC (Y150)
- After the toll gate, you intersect with Route 45
- Right to Shimoda and left to Hachinohe and other Southern destinations.
- You can also pick Rte 45 up outside of Shimoda mall and parallel the toll road....this is often called the "back way to Shimoda" but I'd need to drive it with an eye to landmarks to give more details.
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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