Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Big Foot, Air Planes and Goodbyes

 It's a good tired.  We are refreshed and exhausted at the same time. I don't know how THAT'S possible.  I suppose our love tanks are full and our souls are refreshed from all the extra time with family in the last couple of weeks.  And yet, we ARE tired now that we slow down enough to realize burning the candle from both ends and the middle will wear one down. LOL Our home was full - 12 adult persons. Our home is back to 7 adults. The girls and Nolan are playing Mario kid or party or something.....Alex is prepping for his 0430  start. 

BUT first, before trips to Anchorage and plane rides...there was the BIG FOOT ART GALLERY in Palmer, AK.  Yes, you read that sentence right.  It turns out Maria has taken to watching Sasquatch documentaries to relax during her graduate studies. She discovered there is something of an art expert right here..... I am not sure how we missed it these past four years.  It was a fun visit....and we talked to a believer about LOCAL sightings: times and locations.  We HAD to take our picture with George...

Maria, Allie, Me, Stacia
📷 by Maria

📷 by Maria

📷 by Maria

We had planned to try to fit in a quick trip to the Art Cafe before taking Maria to Anchorage. HOW could we ignore showing Maria the Knick River and possibly seeing a Sasquatch? Off we went...after arming Maria with binoculars...beautiful drive...didn't find any spectacular wildlife. 

Finally, it was time to break these three up. We loved having Maria nearby again. We are praying God makes clear her path and that maybe, just maybe, it will lead to Alaska. Yes, we are THOSE people....we move up and then try to get everyone we love to join us. LOL 

Maria, Allie, Stacia
📷 by Maria

Maria is off to VA where she will begin work on her PhD. Allie and Stacia will take one more week of school break - to recover from our first week off. Whew....we fit a lot into that first week off. LOL 

We dropped Maria at Krista and Luke's. She will visit with them and fly out around midnight.  She'll leave about the time Nate, Heather and Alaina are landing in Eugene. 

It really has been a great week....and guess what? After the wedding? IT'S BEEN WET AND RAINY!!!!  God was so good to us. 

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