Today's goal is to live in the present. The girls have two full days left and will leave here Thursday a.m. (Wed night in the states). Thus the title...the final stretch of blog catch up and the final stretch of this visit with Bre and Krista.
I took off from PWOC.....Krista, Zander and I went in and did some set up and then I took them to breakfast. Bre and the rest were sleeping when we left.
We did some BIRTHDAY SHOPPING for Arielle and then I dropped Krista and Zander at the Weasel's Den for batting practice and I ran to the doc.
Dr report - I'm now quite hyper- thyroid. Over-medicated...I was instructed 6 weeks is not 6 months and I must be back in 6 weeks. I explained I had ministry projects, lost two months with Michael's situation (which she knew) and traveled. I will be back in 6 weeks. It would appear my thyroid is jumping around a lot - and THIS explains my insomnia. I now take one yellow pill for two days and a pink pill on the third day. I CAN remember this.... She didn't want me to go completely back to yellow as that put me way over the 1-2 range - 4.8. Today I was still quite a bit below the 1 but not as much as the last visit when I was only on pink.
We spent the afternoon getting things the girls wanted to take back to the states.
We had one of Bre's favorite dinners - BBQ meatballs. Michael made one of his famous cakes for Arielle and I ran to pick Jared up from work.
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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